I am

Author: Mihir /

I am anonymous
I wonder why this world exist
I hear every word spoken, even noise made
I see them all
I want to know why they are here
I am anonymous and wonder why

I pretend to be invisible
I feel no feeling
I touch no one, but still
I worry what is this world about
I cry hardly ever
I am anonymous and just observe all

I understand not a single thing of this world
I say nothing
I dream of everything colourful
I try to understand this world
I hope i do understand this world one day 
I am anonymous and one day will have an identity

in pursuit

Author: Mihir /

in glitter and glimmer of night
in unbounded silence 

in an attempt to explore your world
in an attempt to know you more

 a sight of yours
is all I await for


Author: Mihir /

in this mess called life
i measure world on my feet
pick my fight with my own fist

the fight i desire to live for
the fight i derive purpose of life from 
the fight i determine size of my world from

Futile Chase

Author: Mihir /

actions exhibited
spoken words
and even every
thought you think
i decipher
just to realise
none was for me

Live to Dream

Author: Mihir /

Its a shattered dream
but I still believe

just because I want to
I do not accept

things have moved on
I am still there

will break more than my heart
I am ready for it

not the only desire
but one of many that counts

I keep on breathing
to dream and to desire

the motion less her
may flutter and utter

not today though
tomorrow always comes

Cold Shoulder

Author: Mihir /

who saves life of a lifesaver
who supports a supporter
who donates to a donor
who helps a helper 

are they ever even meant to be noticed when they are around 
just replace with another when one wither away 
the way flowers are replaced in vase everyday


Author: Mihir /

In a struggle to survive
there is a struggle to live

In a struggle to live
there is a struggle to dream

In a struggle to dream
there is a struggle to discover oneself

just to bring elements of change to reality